Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Test Equations


Standard Abbreviations

  1. Oldham Book : Fundamentals of Electrochemical Science (Hardcover)
  2. Newman book : Electrochemical Systems, 3rd Edition
  3. Van Ness book : Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (The Mcgraw-Hill Chemical Engineering Series)
  4. Antropov book: Theoretical electrochemistry
  5. Taylor and Krishna Book : Multicomponent Mass Transfer (Wiley Series in Chemical Engineering)
  6. BSL : Transport Phenomena, Revised 2nd Edition
  7. BR1 :
    Modern Electrochemistry 1: Ionics by John O'M Bockris, Amulya K.N. Reddy, and John O'M Bockris (Hardcover - June 30, 1998)
  8. BR2A : Modern Electrochemistry 2A: Fundamentals of Electrodics by John O'M. Bockris, Amulya K.N. Reddy, and Maria E. Gamboa-Aldeco (Kindle Edition - Dec. 31, 1995)
  9. BR2B : Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology and Environmental Science by John O'M. Bockris and Amulya K.N. Reddy (Kindle Edition - Jan. 1, 2001)
  10. BF:
    Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications by Allen J. Bard and Larry R. Faulkner (Hardcover - Dec. 18, 2000)

What is this blog about ? - And disclaimer

This blog will discuss various topics in electrochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics and mathematics. My aim is not to provide any kind of tutorial for people but maintain a blog where I can register my thoughts loud. Please note that I read quite a few books on the above mentioned subjects and will be discussing them freely here mentioning the references in abbreviation if need be. I will try to be consistent with the abbreviations and list them in a separate post.

Also this is an attempt to understand the above subjects in depth and in that effort I will quote passages, equations and derivations if need be from the standard texts or journal papers. This is purely for academic and personal purpose and hence I believe the big companies will not come behind me for copyright violation.

These articles are to be considered as my loud thinking and not some standard journal articles which will provide reliable academic information. They may contain errors which the readers are urged to correct through arguments if they have time. Also note that the error in these articles will be corrected retroactively if need be.